Introductory workshop to carpentry for children (individuals / families)


The Living Museum offers families to discover a carpenter to their children. Through workshops taking place in our entertainment room, children can discover and experience working with wood ... alike!

With appropriate supervision and equipment, children will come away with an individual and useful realization that they can take ownership by customizing afterwards ...

Examples of constructions: small wooden mills, picture easels, pencil holders, etc ...

The interests of a practical work

  • Monitoring a protocol with the use of a timeline.
  • Handling different secure woodworking tools: miter saws, hammers, etc ...

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RESERVATION ONLY to the Living Museum


Price: 6,00 € / child + adult free

Additional information

  • From 6 to 12 years
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
  • Space is limited to 15 children
  • Appointment from 9:45 am to the Ecomuseum
  • Picnic facilities on site after the workshop
Discovery of mountain forest

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